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Josh Hodge

Premiership Rugby Professional

"Josh Hodge is a professional rugby player, known for his impact both on & off the field. An ideal role model for fostering  positive mindsets, especially in younger audiences, he exemplifies sportsmanship. His commitment to growth makes him a compelling choice for events focused on leadership, development, and team-building"

Tracey Duke



Josh Hodge, a professional rugby player signed to the Exeter Chiefs, epitomises excellence both on and off the rugby pitch.


With a career punctuated by significant achievements, he has captured attention across the board. Demonstrating his skills in both national and international stadiums Josh quickly cultivated a reputation for his dedication to excellence and personal growth.


Renowned for his acumen and electrifying agility on the field, Josh, who plays the position of No.15, has proven to be a pivotal player, excelling in Premiership and European competitions.


His commitment to growth extends beyond personal accolades, to deeply involve himself in mentorship and community initiatives that inspire young athletes and foster a love for the sport. 

In addition, his charismatic presence and natural ease in front of the camera make Josh a sought-after personality for TV work and presenting, enhancing his appeal as a communicator.

What to Expect

Audiences can expect a thoughtful, and engaging presentation style from Josh, who brings the same intensity and passion to speaking as he does to rugby.


His talks are infused with rich personal anecdotes that not only highlight his career milestones but also underscore his resilience and strategic thinking.


Josh addresses themes of moving beyond setbacks, the importance of incremental improvement, and the power of a supportive community. His ability to connect authentically with listeners, from corporate executives to young sports enthusiasts, allows him to tailor his messages with a unique perspective that motivates, educates, and resonates deeply with his audiences.


His proficiency in front of the camera translates seamlessly into compelling storytelling that captivates and educates, making his presentations both informative and inspirational.



A Lasting Impact 

Josh’s engagements emphasise actionable insights and the power of maintaining a positive, goal-oriented mindset.


Organisations across sectors—whether corporate entities, sports teams, or educational institutions—benefit from his lessons on building a legacy of leadership and the continuous pursuit of excellence. His focus on the importance of character and integrity in achieving long-term success offers valuable lessons applicable in any high-performance environment. 

Josh’s ability to articulate these messages through a polished on-screen presence further enhances his effectiveness as a speaker, inspiring attendees to strive for their best and promoting a culture of perseverance and dedication.

Josh Hodge
Quick Look


Represented by: Tracey Duke 

Agent: Christian Abt 

Location: Exeter, England

Who: Josh Hodge, a standout rugby player for the Exeter Chiefs, excels both on the field and in community engagement. Renowned for his strategic skills and dynamic agility, Josh plays a pivotal role in helping his team in top competitions and is also a compelling mentor and presenter, inspiring young athletes and audiences alike.

What to Expect: Expect thoughtful, engaging presentations, blending intense passion with rich anecdotes from his rugby career to highlight resilience and strategic thinking. He skillfully addresses overcoming adversity, the importance of gradual improvement, and community support, charismatically captivating audiences with his compelling storytelling.

Lasting Impact: Josh Hodge’s talks emphasise actionable insights and the transformative power of a positive, goal-oriented mindset. He inspires organisations across sectors with lessons on leadership, continuous excellence, and integrity. His polished on-screen presence enhances his message, motivating a culture of perseverance and dedication in high-performance environments.

Available for: Presenting. Panel Discussions. Podcasts. Fireside Chats. Q&As.  

Popular With: Grassroots Rugby Clubs. Professional Sports Teams and Academies. Media and Broadcasting. Schools, Colleges, and Universities.

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